Project #4: Zine Inspired by Goddess Inanna


I attended a series of workshops titled “Inanna, Goddess of Heaven and Earth”, facilitated by Sonia Estrada Conrad via Joy Collage. We heard tales of Inanna, and were then prompted to create collages from the myths and images explored. A few times we were directed to flip through our magazines/images, where we’d land on an image that would then become a starting point or focus. I was craving zine-making so I went for tiny collages I could fit in a 4x6 zine.

I needed this process, of letting my unconscious guide the process and have no intention but to listen and follow whatever thread and images that resonated with me. I was also inspired by the images I recognized from recent dreams (house, stairs, door/portal). 

The original version of this zine is on cream paper, but I rarely like how the scanning turns out when I scan white backgrounds, so I usually end up editing and recoloring to share it online. With this one, I went through different versions, until the green clicked for me. I also left some out, that didn’t fit the rest, or that felt mostly for me. 

The workshops, the practice of creating these collages, and the zine itself, connected me to the descent/underworld aspect of Inanna’s story. That’s where I am right now. Under the ground, in the dark, a lil seed that hasn’t bloomed yet. It can be terrifying to get on one’s knees and let the pain be. But right now it feels that this is what needs to happen, and this is where I need to be. In my underworld, disarmed, messy, complicated. This feels freeing, since I’ve been running from this place for a long time.

As for the project itself, I’m seeing (as predicted) that the cycles will very much play a part in how often I post and share. Sometimes I make things, but they don’t feel ready to be shared yet. There’s also a need to push myself at times. But since this is for me and by me, I am open to respecting my energy, knowing that I am committed to fulfilling this. The timeline matters way less to me. 

Thank you for being here, and witnessing this process.

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